Torquay’s Clark Agambar-Froud Receives Invite to Elite Training Camp in Morocco
Picture (c) MiraclePR
Clark Agambar-Froud, former pro basketball player in Portugal and current slam dunk specialist has received a huge boost to his global credentials by receiving a personal invite to join French Algerian dunking legend Kadour ‘The Dunkfather’ Ziani at the Dunk Elite training camp in Morocco next January.
Clark will be in illustrious company with American dunkers Ezra Yao and Jonathan Clark also on Ziani’s shortlist. Previous invitees have included none other than Canadian dunker Jordan ‘Mission Impossible’ Kilganon, the global YouTube dunking sensation who is credited with landing the ‘best dunk ever’ in a YouTube video that has so far attracted over 6 million views. Kilganon’s fellow countryman Justin ‘Jus Fly’ Darlington is also a former attendee along with Rafal ‘Lipek’ Lipinski of Poland, Dmitry ‘Smoove’ Krivenkom of the Ukraine, Kristaps ‘The Latvian Hulk’ Dargais and Porter ‘What’s Gravity?’ Maberry of the USA).
Now branding himself as ‘Devon’s Finest,’ Clark is hoping to emulate Kilganon and co. and has been warming up for his brand new YouTube Trick Shot feature with a taster sesh at Torbay Leisure Centre. There are lots of crazy stunts in the pipeline – incorporating duct tape, paintball and even stinging nettles – plus one or two Guinness World Record attempts.
Although we will be keeping you up to date with all of Clark’s news, we strongly suggest that you subscribe to his YouTube channel so you can be among the first to see the action.
Update: Clark will be selling some exclusive ‘Devon’s Finest’ T-Shirts with a proportion of sales going to Children in Need. Watch this space for more details…