Help us Fill our New Blog!
Starting today, we will be looking to increase and broaden the content on Sport South Devon via our brand new SSD Blog and we are asking for your help to fill it by contributing your insight, stories, events, personalities and businesses. If it concerns sport and is relevant to South Devon then we are interested.
Simply send in your information to [email protected] with BLOG in the subject line and we will do the rest. You can write as much or as little as you want but we do reserve the right to edit for clarity, grammar and house style!
We may add more categories as time goes by, but for now we will be posting categories in one of the following:
This is a place for your stories whether that is a trip down memory lane to an event you competed in or attended, a funny anecdote from last weekend’s club night out or a poem summing up how you feel about the sport you love. This is the place to get creative and let our readers share your memories, passions, hopes and fears.
Careful! This is where you can rant and rave or point an accusatory finger (so if you want to remain anonymous, please tell us). Do you feel let down? Are you underfunded? Do you smell a rat?
Alternatively, you could ask us to investigate something for you and we will do our best to get you some answers (we may combine similar requests). Just three things: bad language will be edited prior to posting; we cannot name names (or drop any name hints) because there is a scary thing called libel we would like to steer clear of and, on the same note, please focus on issues and organisations rather than personal attacks.
Is there a young, up and coming athlete making a name for themselves on the local circuit or a long-time club servant who deserves a special mention. Feel free to ply with praise and gush your heart out in this section.
South Devon sports people are a treasure trove of knowledge and this is where it can be shared for the common good. Can you teach people how to psyche themselves up for success? Do you have some advice on technique in your specialist sport? Or is there a piece of equipment you use that has made all the difference to your game?
If you partake in a sport that tends to be off the radar then we want to hear about it. It could be a spin on a traditional sport (underwater cycling, vertical soccer, juggling triathlon, etc.), a local tradition that has passed down the generations or something completely wild and wacky. Either way, tell us how you got into it, why you love it and how it all works.
Yes, that’s right. If you have a business, sports-related product or upcoming competition you want to shout about, we are giving you a free one-time opportunity to do so. Please note that blogs are dynamic in nature and are quickly replaced so we strongly recommend that you consider placing an affordably-priced advertisement on our site alongside your post. We are also unlikely to promote the same business or event more than once a month.
Finally – an important note on photographs:
Any photographs you would like to send with your blog content will be appreciated but please tell us who the photograph is to be accredited to. If you don’t have the right to use the photograph (e.g. you took it from a Google image search or a third-party website) then PLEASE DON’T SEND IT.
We hope you enjoy this feature and look forward to receiving your content.