Gruelling Challenge for Glen
How does cycling 25 kilometres and then running 5 kilometres sound? What about if, once you had done that, you did it again and again and again for 24 hours? That’s exactly what Glen Bevan is planning to do to raise money for the Torbay Holiday Helpers Network (THHN) later in the year.
Glen got the fitness bug around 10 years ago after suffering a collapsed lung and has never looked back. Good friends with Luke Tillen, Founder and Chairman of the THHN, Glen said: “I’m always looking for a new challenge. I know a lot about the THHN and the great work that Luke and his team do and wanted to do something myself to help raise money for them. I decided it had to be a pretty tough challenge if people were going to sponsor me and thought that the tougher I made it the more money I should be able to raise; that’s the theory anyway. Luke is an old friend and I couldn’t think of a better charity to support.”
The challenge will last for 24 hours and Glen will only stop for occasional food and comfort breaks along with a couple of leg massages along the way. Glen added “I’ve never done anything like this before but I’m incredibly determined and love a challenge. As well as raising money for the THHN I hope it will help raise awareness of the work that they do.”
The date of the event will be announced later but it is expected to be in early December depending on other events that Glen is involved with. For all the latest go to the THHN Facebook page where you’ll find all you need to know. In the meantime, Glen has set up a Just Giving page so if anyone would like to sponsor him on this incredible challenge go to www.justgiving.com/Glen-Bevan.
To find out more about the THHN visit the THHN website: www.thhn.co.uk.