All Change at Plainmoor Pool
After an extensive renovation which necessitated a 3 month closure, Plainmoor Pool is now fully back into the swing of things, and have some changes to report…
First, there is a new manager at the helm.
Marcus Jordan arrives with several years experience in Leisure Management which followed on from his time at the University College of St Mark and St John, Plymouth where he obtained a Sports Science degree.
The staff have had time to settle down and get used to their new responsibilities, the new plant and each other and with the direction of a full-time experienced manager are focused on doing their best for customers.
The new team admit they have encountered a fair few problems since re-opening, but say most have been dealt with.
Changes include a new roof, new windows, insulation and modern efficient boiler, new lighting and new activities, including:
- Yoga classes – in the meeting room on Tuesdays 4.00 – 5.00pm
National Pool Lifeguard Qualification training courses which run over three weekends and provide the essential qualification to obtain work as a lifeguard.
- Triathlon training courses and individual coaching sessions for Tri-athletes
In addition, the team offers:
Swimming lessons with ASA qualified teachers are available for all ages in groups or one to one.
Water Mobility sessions can improve life for people with disabilities or mobility problems
Aquasize (back on Tuesdays 6.00-7.00pm with a new teacher, Teri)
Swimming is an excellent way to keep fit, sessions are available at different times of day so
Many ladies will be pleased to hear that a hairdryer will be installed in the changing room shortly.
Fund raising continues to be an essential part of keeping the pool afloat financially. The team are holding a Coffee Morning, Bring and Buy Sale and Raffle on Monday 31st March (starting 10.00am) to raise money for the pool. In future months they hope to organize events such as sponsored swims, sponsored aquasize and bag packing. They welcome all offers of help and new ideas.