Continued Success at Teignbridge based Tae Kwon Do School

Continued Success at Teignbridge based Tae Kwon Do School

 The second of this year’s grading exams for local Tae Kwon Do School, MartialArts4Fun School of Excellence has taken place at Newton Abbot Leisure Centre. There were 39 representatives present, from all seven of the school’s arms, hoping to progress onto their next belt, with Master Michael Dew (8th Dan Black Belt & Vice Chairman of the Tae Kwon Do Association of Great Britain (T.A.G.B) and  British Tae Kwon Do Council (B.T.C.) grading them. Master Dew travels down to Devon four times a year to assess the students in elements of the Tae Kwon Do syllabus including linework, patterns and various sparring techniques. The grading is an opportunity for students to show Master Dew that they are ready to progress onto the next stage of their Tae Kwon Do journey.

A special mention goes out to Hannah Broughton who excelled at the techniques she was asked to perform and was awarded an A grade and the grading award for the Newton Abbot School. Also deserving of credit were Lucy Saad and Rob Burley,also from the Newton Abbot School, who gained an A Pass. Ben Featherbe (Newton Abbot), Amy Hart (Bovey Tracey) and James Moore (Teignmouth) received plus passes, just below an A-pass while all other students received a standard pass, upholding the club’s 100% pass rate.

The grading ended with Master Dew presenting certificates to 11 students who were successful at the recent national black belt grading in Bristol: Sam O’Neill, Jo Boardman, Karen Ellis and Leanne Burrows (all of Newton Abbot) and Sarah Edmonds (Teignmouth) are now 2nd Dan Black Belts and James Uzzell (Ashburton), Giles Boon, Rachel Davis and Jack Webb (Teignmouth), Jack Baker (Newton Abbot) and Mark Moore (Dawlish) are now 1st Dan Black Belts. Also worth mentioning are Sacha Einzig-Pilling and Shawna Ball who have been awarded their 3rd and 2nd stars respectively. As junior black belts they attended an interim grading to ensure they are on track to pass their next Dan grading when it is due. Well done to all of you.

Junior students from various MartialArts4Fun Schools around Teignbridge have also taken their stripe assessments. Some of the students taking their first assessment are as young as four year’s old. Their hard work in lessons showed through and they all successfully passed their assessments and moved on to the next level of the syllabus. Senior Instructor, Mr Peter O’Neill (6th Dan) said: “Well done to all of the students who took part in the assessments. Your hard work in training has paid off, keep up the good work!”

The TAGB is the largest Tae Kwon Do Associations in Europe but still remain a family friendly organisation. Lessons with MartialArts4Fun take place at various venues around Teignbridge including Newton Abbot, Teignmouth, Bovey Tracey, Ashburton, Mortonhampstead, Dawlish and Chudleigh. To find out more information about free trial lessons please look on the website or contact Peter O’Neill on 07718 750390.


Back Row (LtoR): Giles Boon (1st Dan), Sam O’Neill (2nd Dan), Mark Moore (1st Dan), Jo Boardman (2nd Dan), James Uzzell (1st Dan), Sarah Edmonds (2nd Dan).

Front Row (LtoR): Karen Ellis (2nd Dan), Rachel Davis (1st Dan), Leanne Burrows (2nd Dan), Jack Baker (1st Dan).

Not pictured: Jack Webb (1st Dan).


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